
Background    Glim is an intermediate deity among the pantheon of gods in Miferia, but those who worship him do so with great reverence. Glim is said to have been born from the collective desires of all sentient beings for wealth and prosperity. As such, he has no defined physical form and can appear differently to different people, depending on their perception of wealth and trade.   Teachings and Tenets    Glim's followers believe that wealth is the ultimate power in the world and that trade is the means by which one can attain that power. They believe in the principle of "buy low, sell high," and see nothing wrong with making a profit, as long as it is done through fair and honest means. They believe in taking calculated risks and making shrewd investments, but also caution against greed and reckless spending.   Worship   Glim's worshipers are typically merchants, traders, and financiers who seek his blessings for successful business ventures. They make offerings of gold, silver, and other valuable items at his temples, which are usually located in busy marketplaces and financial districts. Glim's priests are known for their skill in accounting and financial management and are often sought after as advisors by wealthy individuals and organizations.   Powers and Abilities    Glim is known to be a master of economics and finance, and his followers believe that he can bestow great wealth and success upon those who please him. His clerics are skilled in financial management and can perform rituals to attract wealth and good fortune. In times of crisis, Glim's followers pray to him for assistance, and he is said to be able to provide them with loans, investments, and other financial aid. However, Glim is also known to be a neutral deity who does not take sides in conflicts between mortals, and he expects his followers to remain neutral in matters of politics and war.
Titles: The Great Lender, The Golden God   Symbol: A Gem with a Circular Background   Power Level: Intermediate Diety   Homeplane:   Alignment: TN   Portfolio: Money, City, Trade   Worshippers: Merchants, Artisans   Cleric Alignments: Any Alignment   Servitor Creatures:     Favored Weapon:     Manifestations:   Domains: City


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