
Grognar is the god of dwarfs and craftsmen. He is known as the great creator and has forged most of the weapons and armor of the Gods and some that have made their way down to Miferia and landed in the hands of mortals. He is the patron God of the Dwarves so if Grognar would ever manifest himself he would mostly take the form of a surly dwarven warrior. Most smiths and artisans find themselves paying tribute to Grognar in hopes it will increase their crafting skills and perhaps let them forge items of legend.   Description    Grognar is the patron of all dwarfs and a powerful deity of crafting and creation. He is known for his unwavering sense of justice and his dedication to upholding the law. Dwarfs often seek his guidance in matters of law, trade, and crafting. Grognar is depicted as a heavily bearded dwarf with piercing blue eyes, clad in shining armor, wielding a massive hammer. Personality: Grognar is a just and fair deity who values honesty, loyalty, and hard work above all else. He is a skilled craftsman himself and takes great pride in his creations. He is also fiercely protective of his followers, and will not hesitate to take action against those who would harm them.   Dogma    Grognar's followers are expected to live their lives with honor and integrity and to always uphold the law. They are also encouraged to pursue their passions in crafting and creation and to share their knowledge with others. Grognar's teachings emphasize the value of hard work, dedication, and the importance of community.   Clergy and Temples    Grognar's clerics are often skilled craftsmen themselves and can be found in workshops and forges throughout dwarf settlements. They are respected members of their communities and are often called upon to mediate disputes and provide counsel in legal matters. Temples dedicated to Grognar are typically grand stone structures with forges, anvils, and workshops built into them. These temples are often located near mines or other sources of valuable minerals.   Spells    Grognar's clerics have access to spells that aid in crafting and creation, as well as spells that provide protection for themselves and their allies. Some of the spells available to Grognar's followers include:   1st level: Identify, Shield of Faith 2nd level: Magic Weapon, Warding Bond 3rd level: Glyph of Warding, Protection from Energy 4th level: Fabricate, Stoneskin 5th level: Creation, Wall of Force   Commandments   1 - Uphold the law and act with honor and integrity at all times.   2 - Share your knowledge and expertise with others.   3 - Dedicate yourself to your craft and strive for perfection.   4 - Protect the innocent and defend your fellow dwarfs.   5 - Always work towards the betterment of your community and society as a whole.
Titles: The Great Smith, The Great Creator   Symbol: Crossed Sword and Hammer   Power Level: Greater Deity   Homeplane: The Silver Fortress   Alignment: Lawful Good   Portfolio: Creation, Dwarf Crafts, Protection   Worshippers: Craftsmen, Dwarfs, Miners, Smiths, Fighters, Engineers   Cleric Alignments: Any Good   Servitor Creatures:   Favored Weapon: Warhammer   Manifestations:   Domains: Forge, Knowledge   Favored Colors: Silver and Gold


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