House Black


House Black is one of Razenia's great houses and is an ancient house whose power reaches all corners of Miferia. There are whispers that many members of the house are vampires. It is also rumored many of the members are known to practice Necromancy. House Black has ruled over the southeastern region of Razenia for many decades ever since they claimed the land from the elves who lived there and were awarded it for their patronage to Queen Raznia. House Black is responsible for most of the magic research that goes on in Razenia mostly dealing with Death and Necromancy. House Black's seat is currently Shadespire a once-great free-elven city until it was awarded to House Black for their service to Queen Raznia.

"The Dark Beckons"

  • Sigil: A black canvas with a white bat
  • Words: “The Dark Beckons”
  • Titles:
  • House Seat: Shadespire
  • Status: Active (Great House of Razenia)
  • Region:
  • Current Lord: Lord Malfious Black
  • Allegiance: House Raznia
  • Status: Active
  • Vassals: House Dreg, House Angst
  • Religion:
  • Age:
  • Founder:
  • Ancestral Weapon: The Black Blade (Bastard Sword)
Political, Family
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Family Leader
Head of State
Head of Government


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