House Raventree

House Raventree was once a noble Demaran house and close vassal to House Shatterforge and was allied with the dwarves in the Darkwood region. Their keep Vanderholme (Forest Haven in common) was a glorious keep near the northern forest of Elmwood or Cint'nias as known in elven to the elves. House Raventree was known to have some of the most excellent archers in all of Demara. House Raventree kept the forest of Elmwood safe and free of bandits so the merchant caravans would have a safe passage through the north. House Raventree is now an extinct house with no known surviving members. House Raventree was culled when they would not bend the knee to the Razenian armies conquering Demara.
Sigil: A bow emblazoned on a field of green   Words: "Our Arrow Strikes True"   Titles: Protectors of the Elmwood   House Seat: Vanderholme   Region: Darkfall - Elmwood Forest (Cint'nias Forest)   Lord/Lady: Deceased (Unknown if there are any surviving heirs)   Heir: Unknown   Allegiance: House Darkwood   Status: Extinct   Vassals: None   Religion:    Age:   Founder:   Ancestral Weapon: "Truestrike" AvaeEllende Dragonsteel Longbow
Political, Family


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