
Kemenia is the Goddess of the seas and is worshipped by many sailors and pirates. Many can be found offering their blessings to Kemenia before embarking on any long seas voyages in the hope their journey will be safe and without tragedy. Fishermen will often worship Kemenia also giving her offerings so that they may get good weather and their catch be bountiful.   Kemenia is a goddess of the untamed power and beauty of the ocean and its many forms. She embodies the chaotic, ever-changing nature of the sea, and her followers often seek to harness that power for their own ends. Kemenia is not a particularly benevolent or malevolent deity, but she is known to be unpredictable and often capricious in her dealings with mortals.   Appearance   Kemenia is typically depicted as a tall, muscular woman with long, wavy hair the color of the sea. Her skin is bronzed by the sun and salt, and her eyes are the blue-green of the ocean depths. She is often shown wearing a simple tunic of woven seaweed or kelp, and carrying a trident or spear made of coral or other marine materials.   Personality   Kemenia is a goddess of extremes, and her personality reflects that. She can be both fiercely protective of her domain and ruthlessly destructive to those who cross her. She is also known to be capricious and impulsive, prone to sudden shifts in mood and behavior. Her followers must be adaptable and able to think on their feet in order to keep up with her constantly changing whims.   Dogma   Kemenia's followers believe in the power and beauty of the ocean, and seek to harness that power for their own ends. They are often sailors, fishermen, and traders who rely on the sea for their livelihoods, and they view Kemenia as both a protector and a source of strength. However, her worshipers also acknowledge the dangers and unpredictability of the ocean and strive to be prepared for whatever challenges it may bring.   Clergy and Temples   Kemenia's clergy are typically seafarers, fishermen, and traders who make their living on the water. They are known for their boisterousness and love of life, and often hold elaborate feasts and festivals in honor of their goddess. Kemenia's temples are typically located near the coast or on islands and are often built to resemble ships or sea creatures.   Abilities   As an intermediate goddess, Kemenia has access to a wide range of abilities and powers. Her most potent abilities are related to the sea and weather, and she can call forth powerful storms and tidal waves to protect her followers or destroy her enemies. She can also grant her followers enhanced strength and resilience, as well as the ability to breathe underwater and move through the water with great speed and agility.
Titles: The Sea Goddess, Lady of the Sea, Watcher of the Waves   Symbol: Octopus brandishing a trident   Power Level: Intermediate Diety   Homeplane:    Alignment: CN   Portfolio: Ocean, Water   Worshippers: Sailors, Pirates   Cleric Alignments: Any Alignment   Servitor Creatures:     Favored Weapon:     Manifestations:   Domains: Tempest, War


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