
Koliath is one of the greater deities and the God of Justice and Protection. Most of Koliath's followers are clerics and paladins who seek to bring Order and Justice to the lands of Miferia. The church of Koliath's holy order is known as the Justicars of the Holy Shield and they have chapters located throughout all Miferia and also can have small stations in most cities where a large presence of Koliath's followers can be found and a temple is located. Many often seek out the Justicars to wrong a right or if they seek justice for some evil deed that has happened.   Overview   Koliath is a powerful deity revered by Paladins, Knights, and all those who uphold the virtues of justice, courage, and honor. Koliath is known for his unwavering commitment to the principles of good and his unyielding resolve against evil.   Appearance   Koliath is often depicted as a tall and imposing figure, with broad shoulders and rippling muscles. He has a chiseled jawline, piercing blue eyes, and long golden hair that falls in waves around his face. Koliath wears shining silver armor and carries a gleaming longsword at his side.   Domains   Koliath is the Greater Lawful Good God of Paladins, Knights, Justice, Courage, and Honor. His domains include Law, Good, War, and Protection.   Personality   Koliath is a stern and disciplined deity who demands nothing but the highest standards of conduct from his followers. He believes that justice must always be served, and that the forces of good must always stand against the forces of evil. Koliath has a deep sense of honor and expects his followers to act with integrity and bravery at all times. However, he is not without compassion, and he will extend mercy to those who show true remorse for their actions.   Teachings   Koliath's teachings emphasize the importance of upholding the law and the principles of justice. He believes that evil must be confronted and defeated, and that the strong have a responsibility to protect the weak. Koliath teaches his followers to be brave in the face of danger, to act with honor at all times, and to put the needs of others before their own. He believes that through strength of arms and the power of righteousness, evil can be defeated and the world can be made a better place.   Followers   Koliath's followers include Paladins, Knights, and all those who seek to uphold the principles of justice, courage, and honor. They are known for their unwavering devotion to the cause of good, and their willingness to put their lives on the line to protect others. Koliath's followers are also known for their strict adherence to codes of conduct and their unwavering commitment to the law.   Temples   Temples dedicated to Koliath are often grand and imposing structures, built from gleaming white stone and adorned with shining silver and gold. They are often located in the heart of major cities, serving as beacons of hope and bastions of justice. The temples are staffed by priests and paladins who are charged with upholding the law and dispensing justice in Koliath's name.   Holy Symbol   Koliath's holy symbol is a silver helmet emblazoned with a red flame. The helmet represents protection and defense, while the flame represents the power of justice and righteousness.   Allies and Enemies   Koliath is closely allied with other deities of the Lawful Good alignment, including Narissa, Grognar, and Xulena. He is also known to have good relations with the leaders of many human and dwarven kingdoms. Koliath's enemies include all those who seek to sow chaos and discord, as well as the followers of evil deities such as Selvena, Nyx, and Nerathar.
Titles: The Great Protector, The Justicar   Symbol: A Silver Helmet on a emblazoned background   Power Level: Greater Diety   Homeplane: The Great Citadel   Alignment: LG   Portfolio: Paladins, Knights, Justice, Courage, Honor   Worshippers: Knights, Paladins, Warriors of Good   Cleric Alignments: LG   Servitor Creatures:   Favored Weapon: (Longsword)   Manifestations:   Domains: Order


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