
Overview     Nerathar is a powerful deity revered by those who seek power and control over others. He is known for his unwavering ambition and his desire to impose his will upon the world. Nerathar is feared and respected by his followers, who seek to emulate his drive and determination.   Appearance   Nerathar is often depicted as a tall and imposing figure, with jet-black hair and piercing red eyes. He wears ornate black armor and carries a wicked-looking longsword at his side. His skin is pale and his features are sharp, giving him a sinister and foreboding appearance.   Domains   Nerathar is the Greater Lawful Evil God of Ambition, Control, and Tyranny. His domains include Law, Evil, War, and Domination.   Personality   Nerathar is a ruthless and calculating deity who desires nothing more than power and control. He is ambitious and driven, always seeking to expand his influence and dominion over others. Nerathar values discipline and order above all else, and expects his followers to obey his every command without question. He is quick to anger and will not tolerate any disobedience or disloyalty.   Teachings   Nerathar's teachings emphasize the importance of ambition and the pursuit of power. He believes that the strong have a responsibility to control and dominate the weak and that any means necessary to achieve this end are justified. Nerathar teaches his followers to be ruthless and cunning, always seeking to gain an advantage over their enemies. He believes that the ends justify the means and that success in the pursuit of power is the ultimate goal.   Followers   Nerathar's followers include despots, tyrants, and all those who seek to exert their will over others. They are known for their ambition and their desire for power and control. Nerathar's followers are often ruthless and cunning, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. They are also known for their discipline and loyalty, never questioning their master's authority.   Temples   Temples dedicated to Nerathar are often dark and foreboding structures, built from black stone and adorned with twisted spires and gargoyles. They are often located in isolated and desolate locations, far from the prying eyes of the authorities. The temples are staffed by priests and warlords who are charged with enforcing Nerathar's will and extending his influence across the land.   Holy Symbol   Nerathar's holy symbol is a black scepter topped with a twisted crown. The scepter represents control and domination, while the crown represents the ultimate goal of power and authority.   Allies and Enemies   Nerathar is closely allied with other deities of the Lawful Evil alignment, including Nyx, Tiamathar, and a shaky one with Selvena. He is also known to have good relations with powerful warlords and despots. Nerathar's enemies include all those who seek to resist his influence and authority, as well as the followers of good deities such as Koliath, Narissa, and Xulena.
by Lord Rath
  Basic Information     Titles: Lord of Tyranny, The Dark Blade     Symbol: Black Scepter topped with a twisted crown.     Power Level: Greater Deity     Homeplane: Nerathal (The Dark Throne)     Alignment: LE     Portfolio: Ambition, Control, Tyranny     Worshippers: Knights, Mercenaries, Barbarians, and Warlords     Cleric Alignments: LE     Servitor Creatures:       Favored Weapon: An Obsidian Longsword     Manifestations:   Domains: Law, Evil, War, Tyranny, and Domination


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