
Nightfall is a small coastal port town in southern Demara that was once the Seat of House Darkwood. Most of the economy in Nightfall is based around the famous Coshun shipyards which are known for producing some of the most durable vessels in all of Miferia. Since the fall of House Darkwood, the town has started to go by the name of Fargale in an attempt by House Black to wipe any existence of House Darkwood from existence. Since the Dragon war of Demaran Nightfall is a shell of its former self as it's large keep that towers on the hill above the city still remains in ruins and cordoned off from the public. Some say spirits lurk within the ruins of the dead spirits from when House Black attacked the town, others say the contingent of House Black that stayed around keeps the ruins in the state they are in to study the undead and spirits there. Nightfall is currently ruled by a small contingent of House Black that remained after the war. An ambassador was appointed to keep order in the town and make sure the shipyards are still running which now produce ships for Razenia.

  Aliases - Fargale   Region - Southeastern Coast, Demara   Size - City  
Races - Mostly Human and Half-Elf   Religions -  
Imports - Wood, Metal   Exports - Ships, Fish, Trade-Coinage  
Gov't Type - House Darkwood (formerly), Fuedal Lord - House Black Contingent, Ambassador (Currently)   Ruler - Alessandro Black (Lord Regent)   Legislative -   Allegiances - House Demara (Formerly), House Razenia (Currently)  
Population -
Characters in Location


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