
The Razigals are an elite group of female-only warriors who are fiercely loyal to Queen Razenia and she employs them to hunt down rogue magi or any magic users she sees as a threat to her rule. Razigals are put through an intense training regiment at a very young age are have gained a significant immunity to magic. They are also able to absorb some of this magic and redirect it back as a blast of energy. If you happen to be captured by one they are known for their extreme methods of torture and have been known to break the strongest of men.  The Razigals are an offshoot of the Mage Hunters who work for the Order of the Magi twisted to Queen Raznias will alone and all its members are female.
Basic Information
Alias(es): Hands of the Queen   Base of Operations: Beleg Kaik   Leader(s):   Symbol: A needle pricking a symbol of magic   Favored Diety:   Formed:  
Alignment: Lawful and Neutral Evil  
Allegiances: House Raznia (Queen Raznia herself and no one else)   Enemies: Order of the Magi (A neutral hate as one would not attack the other), any of Queen Raznia's current enemies
Special Forces


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