
Evil to the core, Selvena has one goal in existence: Power. The power of blood, body, soul, and mind. Torture is second nature to her, and not once has she flinched from sacrificing mortals to find out what makes them live. She is the lord of interrogation and torture, and the knowledge gained from such techniques. Not being particularly strong, she is content to torture and interrogate mortals on the world below in an attempt to find out the weaknesses of the Old Gods. On one occasion she managed to get her hands on one of the Old Gods and tortured the unlucky deity to death. Still, Selvena was unsatisfied with the knowledge gained and seeks more to this day. She wishes to one day take over her father's mantle as the God of Death and change his neutral outtake to a more satisfying chaotic one.   History: Selvena is the daughter of Damos and a human woman he had relations with when he once walked Miferia as a mortal before he gained his divinity and ascended to being the God of Death. Selvena was captured by one of Damos's enemies from his mortal days as a mercenary and she was tortured for days by her captors until finally, they decided to put an end to her by burning her face off and sending the remains to her father. Her father found her captors but he was too late as half her face was badly burned and she was almost unrecognizable to her father. She died in his arms and he thought he would never see her again. She was then raised from the dead by Azalin a great lich who sought to steal some of Damos's Divine power as he felt it was he who deserved to be the God of Death. He planned to use Selvena as a tool against her father but little did he know when he brought her back she was not the same little girl she was before her soul had been twisted and she ended up being Azalin's undoing. Selvena then began to study Azalin's tomes and found a way to gain divinity by capturing one of the lesser Gods and she then tortured the god to death and used a ritual to steal his divinity at the moment of his death. Now Selvena spends most of her time messing with mortals and taking on the worshippers her father won't such as undead, vampires, and necromancers who care not for mortal life and its rules.   Appearance:  She rarely makes an appearance as she looked like a mortal but if she would appear to be a half-faced little girl badly burned on one side holding a stitched up ragdoll and a small cloak of blood that drips and flows but never runs dry.
Basic Information
Title(s): Half-Face Girl, Little Tricktress, Bloody Selvena
Symbol: A skull doll head sometimes showing as half-burnt   Power Level: Lesser Goddess   Homeplane: The Dollhouse   Alignment: Chaotic Evil   Portfolio: Torture, Death, Blood   Worshipers: Evil mages and cultists, necromancers, powerful undead, torturers   Cleric Alignments: CE, some LE   Servitor Creatures:   Favored Weapon: "Scapel" Shortsword or Dagger   Manifestations: Wounds that refuse to heal, objects randomly bleeding, a creepy doll with a half-burnt face or bloody eyes, a sewed up ragdoll that bleeds from its stitching


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