Shadow Enclave

The Shadow Enclave is an offshoot of the Eternal Order mercenary group and they splintered off once they noticed how corrupt the Order was becoming and didn't stand for the same virtues it once did.  The Shadow Enclave is a smaller group than the order but is still known as one of the best mercenary groups in all of Miferia.  They often find themselves at odds and competing for some of the same contracts as the Eternal Order but are known to be the more reputable of the two.  The Shadow Enclave unlike the Eternal Order much rather work in the shadows and out of the limelight as much as possible.  They are also very picky when it comes to the contracts they select and normally will turn down anything that involves killing innocent civilians etc.  They are known to have outposts located throughout all of Miferia but mostly are found or approached through contacts and such.
Military, Mercenary Group
Notable Members


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