Steelfall Keep

Steelfall Keep was once the Home of House Shatterforge a small dwarven house that was a vassal house of House Darkwood and also was known to provide most of their weapons and armor. Steelfall Keep was known for its strong dwarven architecture which most didn't get to see since most of the dwarven keeps and strongholds were located deep within various mountains. A small dwarven clan saw an opportunity though to make a good profit and sell their goods to the surface races and to make it easier to do this they settled near Shade mountain and built their small keep in the side of the mountain. During the height of Demara Steelfall Keep was known as the place to acquire the best arms and armor in all of the lands. Now Steelfall keeps lies in ruins a shadow of its former self since the war with Razenia that saw the land of Demara fall into ruins. Most stay away from Steelfall keep now as there are rumors it is haunted by the spirits of the fallen dwarf clan of House Shatterforge who died defending their keep against the Raznian forces. Steelfall Keep lies along the Dragon road not with the town of Nightfall being the closest settlement near it.


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