
Xulena is one of the most powerful greater deities and is known as the Great Healer. Most of her followers seek out maladies or diseases that plague the people of Miferia and seek to bring comfort and healing to those affected and possibly a cure if able. A lot of Xulena's followers are clerics and alchemists who study diseases and plagues of both a natural and magical nature and seek ways to cure them.   Xulena is a goddess of healing and life, who believes that life should be cherished and protected at all costs. She is known for her chaotic nature, which often leads her to go against the established norms and conventions of society to do what is right. Her followers see her as a beacon of hope and a source of inspiration, and many turn to her in times of need.   Xulena's teachings emphasize the importance of embracing change and taking risks to achieve one's goals. She believes that life is a precious gift and that it is the duty of all those who possess it to use it to help others. Her followers are encouraged to be kind and compassionate and to use their abilities to heal and support those in need.   As a goddess of healing, Xulena is associated with the powers of restoration and regeneration. Her followers often use natural remedies and herbs to heal the sick and wounded, and many have developed their own unique healing techniques based on her teachings.   Xulena's chaotic nature is reflected in the wild and unpredictable nature of the natural world. Her followers often live off the land, eschewing the trappings of civilization in favor of a simpler, more natural lifestyle. They are fiercely independent, and will not hesitate to stand up against oppression and tyranny.   Xulena's clerics wear green and red robes, symbolizing the healing and life-giving powers of nature, and the chaotic energy that fuels them. They are often found traveling the world, offering their services to those in need and fighting against those who would harm the innocent.   Divine Abilities   Xulena's clerics can cast powerful healing spells, including the ability to revive the dead. They have the ability to control the natural world around them, summoning vines, flowers, and other plants to aid them in their healing efforts. Xulena's clerics are immune to disease and poisons and can heal others of these afflictions as well. They have the ability to channel the chaotic energy of the universe, allowing them to unleash powerful bursts of healing energy or devastating attacks.   Xulena's Tenets   1. Life is a precious gift that should be cherished and protected at all costs.   2. Embrace change and take risks to achieve your goals.   3. Be kind and compassionate to those in need, and use your abilities to heal and support them.   4. Fight against oppression and tyranny, and stand up for the innocent.   5. Live in harmony with the natural world, and do not be afraid to embrace its chaotic energy.
Titles: The Restorer, Lady of Hope   Symbol:   Power Level: Greater Deity   Homeplane:   Alignment: CG   Portfolio: Healing, Life   Worshippers: Healers, Priests, Paladins   Cleric Alignments: Any Good   Servitor Creatures:   Favored Weapon:     Manifestations: Domains: Life


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