Taachlaz Mountains

Situated at the junction of Arukh Overview, I Nangwa The Maw Overview and Habayarim Overview, the Taachlaz Mountains were the northern most holds of the Deep Dwarfs prior to the Mabahan Expansion. While the Emirate of Mabaha may technically hold the Taachlaz, they have never settled even in their foothills.    Rumors of ancient dwarven treasure in long-abandoned halls circulate the settlements in the surrounding lowlands. While explorers have tried to find entrances to these dwarf-holds, those few who return are forever changed. Their haunted stares and a wasted appearance, as if some secret knowledge eats at them should serve as a warning to those who would explore Taachlazi secrets. Occasionally one such adventurer returns heightened by the experience. One such notable individual, Yesach Ben Ismael returned exultant, preaching the coming of new gods to liberate all Mikdash. And while all my whisper or extol the wonders they've seen, none have seen fit to bring forth artifacts from their time in the mountains, nor have any been willing to guide others to the sites they have found.....
Mountain Range
Included Organizations