The Kan

The Kan are a loosely affiliated culture of seafaring elves and humans that inhabit I Nangwa.   Highly mercantile society Highly accomplished sailors Shared pantheon of saints Government is a federation of a series of city states   There are numerous hereditary powers spread through the city states linked by mariage. However merchant guilds, mercenary groups and trade companies hold a great deal of power.   The Kan Federation provides banking services throughout Eastern Mikdash. Though Mabahs, Ziraz and *** have their own currencies, most trade occurs in Kannish coin.   Stereotypical treated: thrifty, politically savy, flamboyant   Common 5e races: human, elf, half elf, orc, half orcs both specifically from the seafaring nomadic tribes, goblins, kobolds; dwarfs (both Deep Dwarfs and Dwarfholds) are uncommon.


Shared customary codes and values

  • Wealth = Power
  • Among the religious, it is assume that increasing wealth is associated with favor of the gods/saints, and as such, wealth = righteousness
  • It is assumed that physical strength/prowess can be overcome by hiring those more physically able than yourself. Thus physical prowess in and of itself is not considered virtuous. However, using one's physical prowess to become wealthy or preserve wealth is laudatory
  • Common Dress code

    Flamboyant, brightly colored garb