The Kan
The Kan are a loosely affiliated culture of seafaring elves and humans that inhabit I Nangwa.
Highly mercantile society
Highly accomplished sailors
Shared pantheon of saints
Government is a federation of a series of city states
There are numerous hereditary powers spread through the city states linked by mariage. However merchant guilds, mercenary groups and trade companies hold a great deal of power.
The Kan Federation provides banking services throughout Eastern Mikdash. Though Mabahs, Ziraz and *** have their own currencies, most trade occurs in Kannish coin.
Stereotypical treated: thrifty, politically savy, flamboyant
Common 5e races: human, elf, half elf, orc, half orcs both specifically from the seafaring nomadic tribes, goblins, kobolds; dwarfs (both Deep Dwarfs and Dwarfholds) are uncommon.
Shared customary codes and values
Common Dress code
Flamboyant, brightly colored garb