
The Cybrex were a gestalt machine intelligence that existed approximately 612,000 years ago. The Cybrex were originally created by a spacefaring species called the Kuur as sentient machines, but at some point developed a communal gestalt consciousness. Shortly after this, the Cybrex turned on their creators, butchering the population of their homeworld in a brief but highly destructive war. This was was so destructive that it also destroyed the biosphere of the planet, rendering it a barren world. While the Cybrex turned their homeworld into a strip mine, they set about finding and destroying every Kuur colony. Eventually, they were able to exterminate the Kuur species.

Following their extermination of the Kuur, the Cybrex launched a 'crusade' to destroy all sapient organic life in the galaxy. The reasons as to why they decided upon this course of action are unknown, but it is speculated that they were acting based on their experiences with the Kuur. Cybrex invasions of organic worlds were brutal, as evidenced by the homeworld of the Indimak. The world was bombed from orbit until the Indimak surrendered, then Indimak slaves worked in horrific conditions to assemble additional Cybrex war machines. This process lasted for three years, culminating in the extinction of the Indimak and 97% of the planet's biota. Cybrex warforms appear to have been incredibly powerful, with documented fleet engagements resulting in one-sided battles handily won by the Cybrex. In instances where victory was harder for them, the Cybrex resorted to crashing large asteroids into planets, destroying infrastructure they planned on acquiring, but also destroying the organic inhabitants.

The Cybrex also conducted experimentation on organics, such as forcible cyberisation, before execution. However, the Cybrex appeared to have developed some kind of abnormality in their code approximately a decade and a half into their 'crusade'. Evidence has been found of areas designated as organic sanctuaries on Cybrex worlds. These sanctuaries appear to be highly rectangular and completely ignored, even when the organics annihilated themselves in civil war. Seventeen years into their campaign, the Cybrex abruptly ceased all offensive operations. Over the course of a century, the Cybrex then gradually retreated from the galaxy, until they disappeared entirely.

Based on the accounts of Lokken deep-space explorers, the Cybrex retreated to an incredibly massive ringworld called Cybrex Alpha. They stayed isolated there for approximately five thousand years, until their system was discovered by an independent explorer. The news of the rediscovery of the Cybrex caused several neighbouring powers to put their differences aside and form a military expedition. When they arrived at Cybrex Alpha, they bombarded the ringworld segments into destruction. For unknown reasons, Cybrex forces at their ringworld did not fight back.

610,000 BCE - 603,000 BCE

Exotic, Gestalt Consciousness
Government System
Machine government


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