Edward Tetchu

Colonel Edward Tetchu (2135-2217 CE) was a male Human military officer best known for his ill-fated rebellion against the United Nations of Earth in 2188 CE. Born in the nation of Cameroon within the African Union in 2135 CE, he served with distinction during the Rainforest Wars and the Saharan Insurgency. However, during his conflicts against anti-UNE rebels, he became disillusioned with the global government. He led his unit in rebellion against the UNE in 2188 CE during the Mauritanian Police Action but was captured and sentenced to life in prison.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Edward Tetchu was born in Douala, Cameroon, African Union, in 2135 CE. Part of a middle-class family, his father owned a local construction business. He attended a local private school, before moving to Nigeria in 2153 CE to attend the United Nations West African Military Academy. He graduated in 2157 CE, receiving a commission in the United Nations Armed Forces as a Second Lieutenant.

Tetchu was assigned to the 5th Brigade, 15th Infantry Division, which was deployed in the Central African Republic. Following the bombing of the UN African headquarters in 2162 CE, the then-Captain Tetchu was assigned to combat anti-UN guerillas in the Congo Basin. He served with distinction, being promoted to the rank of Major in 2165 CE. During his time in the Congo Basin, he participated in the interrogation of several captured anti-UN guerillas. At the conclusion of the Rainforest Wars in 2165 CE, he was transferred to the 2nd Brigade, 8th Infantry Division deployed in Mali.

Major Tetchu's unit would be responsible for much of the fighting against the Saharan guerillas in the newly-green Sahara Plains. The Saharan Insurgency saw several members of the African Union threaten to withdraw from the United Nations entirely, and in response, President Guo Deng deployed the UNAF in force to these nations. Tetchu was promoted again in 2169 CE, after a period of counterinsurgency operations in Mali.

Tetchu's time in the Congo Basin and Mali made him sympathetic to the plight of those who had been negatively affected by the UN, like the Saharan Irrigation System. In addition, the 2nd Brigade's deployment to Mali had been unwanted by the local population and their government, which he came to see as a violation of sovereignty. Following the end of the Saharan Insurgency in 2175 CE, Tetchu was once again reassigned to the 3rd Brigade, 8th Infantry Division, stationed in Mauritania.

He was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, and again to full Colonel, while stationed in Mauritania. His anti-UN views continued to grow, and he eventually began secretly transferring soldiers and units he believed to be loyal to the 3rd Brigade. By 2187 CE, the 3rd Brigade was almost entirely populated by his anti-UN loyalists. His contacts with Mauritanians eventually made him somewhat of a celebrity within the country, and he developed some sway with local politicians.

On 28 December, 2187 CE, Colonel Tetchu declared that Mauritania was independent of the United Nations, along with the entirety of the West African region. His claims were not taken seriously until 2 January, 2188 CE, when members of the 3rd Brigade ambushed a convoy of the 4th Brigade, 8th Infantry Division, massacring the soldiers and appropriating their hardware. Guerillas rose up across West and Central Africa in support of Colonel Tetchu.

UNAF forces quickly mobilised to eliminate the 3rd Division, but the Colonel had turned his headquarters into a near-impenetrable series of fortifications. A three-month campaign ensued, with battered UNAF forces eventually storming Tetchu's complex. Tetchu was captured by UN special forces as he attempted to escape via a tunnel network.

The trial of Colonel Tetchu was one of the most watched events in the 22nd century. During his trial, Tetchu used the opportunity to speak against the United Nations to a system-wide audience, but was eventually found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. The Mauritanian Police Action would become a major scandal for the current UN government, causing a snap election and the collapse of the Bowden Administration in the 2190 CE presidential elections.

Tetchu, dishonorably discharged from the UNAF and stripped of his rank, served his sentence at the United Nations Nevada Correctional Facility. Tetchu published several political books from prison, all of which dealt with sovereignty and global governance. He was eventually granted parole in 2216 CE, where he moved back to his home nation of Cameroon. He would die the following year of a stroke at the age of 82.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Colonel of the UNAF (former)
2135 CE 2217 CE 82 years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
187 cm
90 kg
Roman Catholic Christian
Aligned Organization


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