First League

The First League was a major interstellar federation that existed approximately two million years ago. Based on archaeological evidence, the First League consisted of over a dozen different species, but likely more remain undiscovered. While the First League spanned much of the galaxy during its time, most of its core territory now lies within modern United Nations of Earth and Tzynn Empire space. The 2260s-70s saw a major archaeological race betwen UNE and Tzynn scientists, as both attempted to locate the long-lost capital of the First League. Ultimately, it was scientists from the UNS Hubble that discovered the Fen Habbanis System in 2276 CE, and the relic world of Fen Habbanis III that was the capital. Utlimately, what caused the collapse of the First League is unclear, but it happened over a fairly rapid period of time (estimated to be a century or less).

Of the more than a dozen distinct species identified as members of the first league, detailed information on the five founding members have been discovered. The Khamdai were an insectoid species with a strong martial culture. Soon after achieving FTL, they fought several wars against other First League founders and were defeated. However, their reputation as warriors led them to become the shock troops of the League, and the backbone of their military. The Chassago were serpentine reptilians, capable of reaching sizes as long as twenty metres as adults. They were expert traders, and their pre-League trade routes allowed the federation to rapidly expand in its initial stages. The Migir-Yan were small mammalian rodent analogues, no more than 0.6 metres tall. It is believed that the Migir-Yan were the driving force behind the creation of the First League, and formed the majority of the League's diplomatic corps. Finally, the V'ropak were flightless avian bird analogues that walked on spindly legs. Females could reach heights of up to four metres, and males slightly shorter than that. They were renowned as the best scientists in the galaxy during the time of the First League.

Although the First League painted an outward picture of unity, archaeological evidence points to a different reality. A joint multispecies colony discovered by Tzynn archaeologists ended in infighting and massacres between colonists, and was abandoned. A destroyed science base examined by UNE archaeologists pointed to the development of advanced and dangerous technologies, such as dimensional travel and advanced bio-weapons. Crime was rampant in the First League, as evidenced by both a federal prison facility and discovered criminal underworld ports. However, the First League is also known to have protected pre-FTL species, including at least one bronze age civilisation, from outside interference.

The First League's capital was the world of Fen Habbanis III, now the UNE colony of Olympia. At its zenith, the world was an ecumenopolis - a city world - with tens or perhaps even hundreds of billions of inhabitants. With a population far beyond its capability to sustain itself, food had to be imported to the capital in a complex and delicate supply chain. When the First League collapsed, presumably due to infighting between the member species, the food shipments to the capital ceased virtually overnight. While some were able to flee the planet, the vast majority of the population was trapped. Without food, the planet descended into anarchy and warlord rule, before finally becoming a ruined ghost world centuries later.
Dissolution Date
2,000,000 BCE
Political, Confederation
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Transnational government
Economic System
Mixed economy


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