Interstellar Concord Treaty

The Interstellar Concord Treaty is the founding document of the Interstellar Concord. Signed in 2264 CE between the United Nations of Earth and the Roccan Resistance, it established the first federation in recent galactic history. Although originally a bilateral agreement, it has since been signed by an additional four stellar nations.

The text of the treaty takes historical notes from important documents in Human and Roccan history, such as the Roccan Declaration of Independence and the Maastricht Treaty. The treaty was notable for establishing supernational authority over both the UNE and Resistance, at the cost of their own sovereignty. This model has since been adopted by other federations, such as the Galactic Advancement Coalition and the Divine Compact.

The document was signed by the President of the United Nations of Earth and the Chief of the Roccan Resistance in a ceremony on Earth in 2264 CE. It established a mutual military pact, shared intelligence activities, free trade and open border agreements, and a rotating presidency between members. The text was later amended to allow for the formation of a federal navy and joint research agreements.
Treaty, Diplomatic
Digital Recording, Text
Ratification Date
2264 CE


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