Pitharan Dust

Pitharan Dust is a type of naturally-occurring substance, notable for its high levels of energy density. It typically takes the form of an orange dust, slightly thicker than sand. Pitharan dust is similar to volatile motes in many ways, but the crucial difference is that pitharan dust is both less energy-dense and significantly more stable. As such, pitharan dust is preferred over motes for fertiliser and fuel, due to its cheaper cost and higher stability. Both purposes require refining the raw dust, as an additive to either fertiliser or fuel.

Pitharan dust is usually found scattered deep within the atmospheres of toxic worlds, and thus requires specialised equipment to extract. It is also occasionally found in concentrations on other, more accessible planets, but these are much rarer. Pitharan dust is typically excavated with large machinery, the delicate energy fields used to extract volatile motes being unnecessary.
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