Teldar Crystals

Teldar Crystals are a type of naturally-forming crystal prized for their extreme durability. In the visible spectrum, they appear as a dull brown-orange colour, but emit small amounts of light in the infrared spectrum. Their complex internal lattice structure allows them to absorb significant amounts of energy before distorting, including heat, pressure, and chipping. While still delicate in their natural form, teldar crystals are significantly more resistant to damage than other rare crystals. After processing at a refinery, teldar crystals can exceed the durability of tungsten and titanium. This makes teldar crystals perfect for a variety of applications, including starship hull reinforcement, ballistic ammunition, and some electronics. In addition, the soft UV glow and warmth of unrefined teldar crystals has resulted in them becoming popular as jewelry.

Teldar crystals are typically found on asteroids or frozen worlds, and are mined by dedicated mining stations. In some instances, teldar crystals have been found on habitable worlds, located in underground caverns that resemble massive geodes. Although resilient, heavy machinery can damage or crack teldar crystals during the extraction process. As such, some level of care needs to be taken when mining them. Synthetic crystals can also be grown in industrial plants, creating facsimilies that are nearly indistinguishable to the natural crystal.
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