Yuht Empire

The Yuht Empire was a long-lasting interstellar precursor civilisation that existed between six million and four million years ago in the space now controlled by Orbis Customer Synergies. The Yuht were flat arthropod analogues that could reach adult lengths of nearly 100 metres. Yuht lifespans were approximately 1,000 years, but it is undetermined whether this includes a several-century-long non-sentient hatchling period. Unlike every other known interstellar civilisation, the Yuht did not discover subspace or any form of FTL technology at all. Instead, they established their empire with slower-than-light interstellar ships and communication technologies. The Yuht were eventually destroyed by a younger species, the Jabbardeeni, who had quickly developed FTL travel shortly after achieving spaceflight.

The Yuht expanded into the galaxy at an extremely glacial pace: even with their incredible lifespans, ships would take multiple lifetimes to travel the length of their empire. As such, the Yuht developed advanced cryogenics technologies that could preserve individuals for the entire length of their voyage. The Yuht also existed during a period of time where their section of the galaxy was remarkably devoid of life. Much of their society was devoted to searching for alien life, and more importantly, disproving the existence of alien life. In 2248 CE, Orbis researchers discovered several crumbling Yuht arcologies and a museum dedicated to "famous alien frauds". However, closer examination of the surviving artifacts revealed that one - an instrument for measuring cosmic radiation - predated the Yuht by several million years. It is believed that the Yuht desire to disprove the existence of alien life significantly twisted their societal worldview.

Nearly two million years after the first Yuht left their homeworld's orbit, the Empire finally encountered sentient alien life: a species known as the Jabbardeeni. The event sent shockwaves (at slower-than-light speed) through the Empire, and imperial leadership determined that the only course of action was to wipe out the Jabbardeeni before they became a threat. However, unbeknownst to the Yuht, the Jabbardeeni had already developed FTL technology. When the slow interstellar cruisers of the Yuht Empire finally arrived at the Jabbardeeni homeworld, the younger species had already caught up in military technology. The ensuing war saw the Jabbardeeni systematically destroyed the Yuht, eventually bombarding their homeworld. Within a decade of warfare, the Yuht Empire was destroyed.

The Yuht homeworld of Yuthaan Majoris was discovered in 2255 CE by explorers from Orbis Customer Synergies. Among various artifacts recovered from the surface included a prototype cryo core, created by Yuht scientists in the final days of their empire. It is speculated that this was in an attempt to flee their homeworld into deep space, but it does not appear they ever managed to achieve that goal. Further studies into Yuht artifacts revealed the process in which the Yuht would 'cleanse' a world of hostile and dangerous life, as part of their Ministry of Breeding's operations to create growth worlds for hatchlings. This process has since been employed by OCS to make their own colonies safer for their inhabitants.

6,000,000 BCE - 4,000,000 BCE

Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure


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