
Zro is an aerosol comprised of exotic particles that is known to enhance the abilities of psi-gifted individuals. Zro ranges in colour from deep blue to purple when viewed in quantity, but as an aerosol it appears to faintly reflect points of light. Based on research conducted by Yondar scientists, Zro is the psionic residue of a species called the Zroni. As part of an attempt to prevent some of their species from destroying the galaxy, the majority of Zroni focused their psionic power inwards, causing them to be reduced to Zro dust. A single Zroni was then able to use this dust to destroy all Zroni, and the remaining Zro in the galaxy is what remains of that population. Zro was distributed throughout the galaxy via meteors, which appear to have come from the planet Zron in the hundred million years since the extinction of the Zroni.

Zro is typically found in the atmospheres of gas giants or buried within toxic worlds. Statistical analysis indicates that deposits are more common within nebulae, but it is hypothesised that previous galactic civilisations have extracted Zro from more easily detectable sources outside of these dust clouds. Large clouds of gas with Zro are mined, and the Zro is removed from the excess gas through a process of distillation. Zro is typically packaged in a dust form for travel and later consumption.

When ingested by any organic, Zro is known to bestow slight precognitive abilities. However, ingestion by a psioncally-gifted individual provides a significantly greater effect. All psionic abilities, including telekinesis, precognition, telepathy, remote sight, and access to the Shroud are greatly enhanced, often no less than by a factor of two or three. However, Zro is highly addictive, resulting in the substance being highly regulated galaxy-wide. Due to this addictive potential, as well as the limited quantities available, Zro is usally restricted for government use, such as by the Yondar Conclave of Telepaths. This has not stopped a significant black market from developing around the aerosol.
Common State


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