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CW: cultural erasure, ethnic cleansing, pandemic  
The Bronzewalkers are an underground organization promoting equity. Though loosely connected groups can be found in multiple countries, they do not maintain the same high level of communication country to country that most international organizations have. Members are sometimes identified by a tattoo of the symbols for coppor and tin.


The Bronzewalkers first formed in Saal, with the goal of fighting the Jadinth occupation of Dhadiz. As the Jadinth began to take over the Dhadiz government and schools, the Bronzewalkers developed networks of smugglers to carry Dhadiz-language books across the country, to underground schools to ensure the Dhadiz language and culture were passed down.

Virion Pandemic

When the Virion Pandemic struck, the Jadinth used this as an excuse to dispose of Dhadiz leaders. Many Procelle and Bronzewalker leaders were forcibly removed from their homes when the Jadinth claimed they were asymptomatic carriers and needed to be qurantined. The truth behind this thinly veiled lie was made all too clear by the fact that none of those 'quarantined' were ever heard from again. These events led to armed revolts, such as that in Raskas, which in turn led Jadinth to 'crack down on crime' and hiring people like Matthais "Hangman" Hoffman to quell the rebellions by any means necessary. Regardless of these efforts, the Jadinth have not been able to defeat the Bronzewalkers, who continue their battle to preserve Dhadiz culture and help Dhadiz escape the country.


Many of the Dhadiz who have managed to flee the occupation found homes in Melzi, which, on its surface, was welcoming to refugees. Dhadiz immigrants were helped to find homes and jobs. Their children went to school, and many of them became citizens. For a decade or two, there were Melzin citizens who supported the cause of the Bronzewalkers by helping resettle refugees and sending money and supplies to Dhadiz. Once in Melzi, however, the Bronzewalkers found solidarity with the Voiceless, who had set up their own secret schools to battle the Melzin meritocracy system that relegated them to non-citizens, often due to physical and mental disabilities. As the Bronzewalkers' focus on equity shifted to battling for the rights of the Voiceless, the Melzin government distributed propaganda claiming the Bronzewalkers were a terrorist organization that sought to overthrow the government, and blamed events such as the attack on Foothill High on them despite a lack of evidence. Today, few Melzin citizens know the origins of the Bronzewalkers and most live in fear of them.
Illicit, Rebel
Alternative Names
Bronzewalker Rebellion, Bronzewalker Rebels
Related Ethnicities

What's in a Tattoo?

Many of the early Bronzewalkers got tattoos of the organization's symbol (the symbols for copper and tin) as an act of commitment. At this time, the Bronzewalkers were still functioning within the bounds of the law. As they began to work more and more outside of it, more chose not to get tattooed to better hide their identities, while some still chose to do so in defiance. A similar pattern was seen in Melzi. Once establishing themselves, the Bronzewalkers created a flag with the same symbol. Today, most Melzin Bronzewalkers have flags, but they are usually hidden from prying eyes.
Dhadiz Occupation
Military Conflict | Jul 10, 2023


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