Vaccine N-39

The Vaccine, formally known as N-39, is the only known way of preventing infection by Necrocephalus animatus. In the realm of biological threats and infectious diseases, Vaccine N-39 is the only known way to protect against infection by the fatal and incurable Necrocephalus animatus, the protozoan responsible for Necrocephalitis, commonly known as "Zombie" disease. This vaccine represents a significant advancement in disease prevention, harnessing sophisticated scientific methods to combat one of the most dire public health crises of our time.   Necrocephalus animatus is transmitted through the blood and saliva of infected individuals, primarily via bites or contact with mucous membranes. The disease progresses through a series of stages, leading to severe behavioral changes, loss of motor control, and eventual physical decay. Given the high infectivity rate and the current lack of effective treatments, Vaccine N-39 offers a crucial line of defense.


The current sole manufacturer of N-39 is Remy Dupont, although he has made the formula available to anyone with the capacity to create and distribute the vaccine. A key feature of Vaccine N-39 is its stability and ease of administration. The vaccine can be stored at room temperature for up to seven days, which facilitates its distribution and deployment in various settings, including remote or makeshift medical facilities. The recommended dosage is 0.5 mL, administered intramuscularly, typically in the anterolateral thigh for infants or the deltoid for older children and adults.
Trapped in the building during the outbreak when the building went into lockdown, and with no othere options, the scientists at Titan Industries decided to trial the various vaccines on themselves, at the cost of many of their own lives.   The final surviving researcher at Titan Industries, Dr Remy Dupont tested the 39th iteration of the vaccine on himself on February 12, 2025 CE, exposing himself to a small amount of zombie material to assess its efficacy. Following a tense 36-hour period without symptoms, he declared the vaccine successful and put out a broadcast about his findings, asking for help and rescue.


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