Blood Wood Geographic Location in Mindosza, Age of Dawnbreakers | World Anvil
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Blood Wood

The Blood Wood is a large forest spanning most of the southern part of Mindosza. Before the Convergence, it used to be home to the Elves, living in harmony with the Wood Spirits. However, once the Convergence happened, the Tuatha Dé Danann were faced with sudden adversity of their former allies, as the Wood Spirits turned to attack. Struggling to survive, the Elves and Windlings had to resort to desperate measures. By using blood magic, they turned the formerly lush and green forest into a twisted version of itself. By perverting the natural order, even the Horrors could only enter the blood wood under great pain and despair, leaving the Tuatha de Dénann safe in their - effectively - haven forest... at the price of having to live with their actions, day in and day out, for centuries.   It is said, that some of the older inhabitants of the Blood Forest have been affected by this magic themselves, and have started to grow thorns out of their skin, living in great pain. At the center of the Blood wood lies Emain Ablach, the capitol city of the Tuatha Dé Danann.
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