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S22: Keepers of the feather revealed

General Summary

  • The gems/seeds return to their owners for a small reward, and on further inspection the new party member is gone together with the druid.
  • Party inspects some of the magic items, figure out that the magical cursed staff comes from Gulthias a dead to stake vampire that infused the stick with his blood.
  • After all of it the owners manage to salvage a few barrels of wine, everyone takes a good night sleep.
Marks the end of day 6 - beginning of day 7.
  • Begin traveling together with Adrian Martikov back towards Wallaki and Blue Water Inn to deliver the wine before the festivities.
  • Once they reach Wallaki they are being told by Urwin Martikov a few things, the festivites have been pushed back and a new decree was added by Vargas Wallakovich that nobody is allowed outside at night, a curfew.
  • Later on Urwin Martikov gathered everyone in the privacy of his own room and revealed the secret that he is part of Keepers of the Feather, a secret organization of Wereravens working in the darkness attempting to undermine and overthrow Strahd. More information was shared that linked some of the gaps, together with the information of how Ruins of Beles became a ruin at the anger of Strahd. Another valuable information being that Tatiana is reincarnating every century or so and suffers the same fate over and over.
Report Date
10 Jan 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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