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S3: The curse lifted and the road to Barovia

General Summary

Part 1: The curse Lifted  
  • The chanting of the shadowy cultists does not stop, repeating the phrase "One must die!" over and over, with each growing more agressive.
  • Party looks for ways out, there seems not to be any accessible.
  • Looking cornered, Frank Stein smashes and breaks his own quarterstaff in the demonic altar, sending a message.
  • Message sent, the shadowy cultists disapprove and in revenge summon a giant made out of a heap of corpses to destroy the party.
  • With the artillery support of Alistair and Ains, throwing wave after wave of Toll the dead, and the pummeling of the frontline Ramzee Stein and Frank Stein they manage to get through some of the defenses of the corpse demon.
  • As Frank Stein got absorbed within the mass of bodies, from within the flesh and bound by tendrils there was the baby boy Walter Durst held into place.
  • The party manages to get Walter Durst out, and it gives off his last breath in the hands of Frank Stein.
  • With that the curse has been lifted, and after burying the corpses of the family, the house illusions fell, and the The Durst Mansion fell together with any curse that still lingered.
  Part 2: Road to Barovia  
  • The party left the ruins of The Durst Mansion, as they begin searching for food and a place to rest, (and booze for some other).
  • Ravens begin following the party because of no reason at all, unprovoked, no howls by anyone, as a random idea flies around to eat raven meat, someone easily agrees and a shot has been fired. The party then 'valiantly defeats the flocks of hundred ravens that showed up with ease', no cap, and proceeds to the Gates of Barovia.
  • The gates are opened, and as soon as the party enters they shut close behind them, leaving them trapped in this foreign place. But with no food and no other way and the dangers of the forest behind there was no other way.
  • Two more dreadful hours pass as the party finally reaches the Village of Barovia.
  • The village seems gloomy, inactive and not very populated or alive.
  • There is a pie stand with an old lady that sells the self proclaimed "best pies in the land" that the villagers called Morgana. The pies have outrageous prices of 1gp per.
  • Onwards to the nearest tavern, which is The Blood ofn the wine where the party meets the small human barkeep, 3 women in colorful clothes and a man that looks at them.
  • The man presents himself as Ismark Kovilanoich and is very interested in what the travellers have to say, he is interested in the Durst story.
  • He tells the story of the region , the lands are in the rules of an evil tyrant that goes by the name of Strahd von Zarovich. He continues saying that Strahd has eyes everywhere, he is the land and he can barely even call him a man. After pressing for details more he breaks and reveals that Strahd von Zarovich is a vampire and he has not been a man for more than 600 years, he dwells in The Castle of Ravenloft and he cursed the land and is terrorizing the inhabitants of Barovia. The story becomes personal as he mentions that lately there are wolves scratching at his doors at night, and is scared for the wellbeing of his family.
  • He asks for help, to escort his sister Ireena to the village vastly better protected Wallachi, and to make sure she is safe.
  • The party leaves the tavern as Ismark "The Lesser" Kovilanoich offers shelter at the Town Hall that also serves as his residence and is a VERY SAFE PLACE TO BE AT NIGHT. On the way we are told of Bill Gratz Emporion, the general supply store.
  • Arriving at the large and VERY SAFE mansion of the mayor and his family, there are wolf paw prints at the house and ill omens everywhere.
  • They meet Ireena Kolyana and she says she has enough followers already.
  • The party rests for the night.

Missions/Quests Completed

Lifting the curse of The Durst Mansion
Report Date
02 Aug 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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