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S5: The burial and the curse at Barovia village church

General Summary

  • Ismark is shocked by the story of having zombies within the village.
  • He promises 50gp each for saving Ireena Kolyana.
  • Father Donavich that resides within the Church of Barovia has not been the same for 1 year. One year ago a mysterious powerful wizard  has visited the village and gathered some villagers to storm Ravenloft Castle. Nobody has returned, until a few weeks later his son did come back, but he was not the same. Ismark does not know the full story but he knows the priest has been troubled ever since, and townsfolk have reported cries coming from the church.
  • The houses within the village show claw and torch marks on the outside, they have been raided by something constantly.
  • There is an odd presence everywhere, and the party gets the feeling that something is not right.
  • The Church of Barovia is dedicated to Lathander the Morninglord with a symbol of a sun.
  • Beneath the church there are cries from Donavich son that say "I'm hungry". Priest is very distressed.
  • He tells the party that there are 2 bigger churches of Saint Marcovia and Saint Mark Dhall.
  • Within Donavich room there are 2 books: Hymms of Dawn - a book dedicated to prayers to the morninglord and The Blade of Truth - book dedicated to studying/killing ?creatures.
  • The burial of the previous Mayor of Village of Barovia begins. A tall man with burning head is seen outside the cemetery for a brief moment by some members of the party.
  • Party finds out that the son of Father Donavich is a vampire spawn that has been locked up in the cellar for 1 year, everyone promises to find cure for son's condition in one week, or come back and kill him.
  • Not wasting more time finding out the creature terrorizing the village at night, and with all horses dead to wolves, the party and Ireena Kolyana set off to Wallachi and/or Saint Marcovia.
  • On the way Alistair is found looking at his own hanging corpse, but nobody believes him.
  • Party reaches Tser Pools: many wagons, black clouds, small lake, colorful tents, large tent near lake, 8 horses.
Report Date
16 Aug 2022
Primary Location
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