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High Elf

High elves are a reclusive and haughty race of elves that come in two lineages. The High Elves of Fujianbei or Sun Elves are isolationist and control that island with an iron fist. Fujianbei elves are distinct from other High Elves due to their flat noses, dark almond-shaped eyes, fine dark hair, and golden to olive skin. High Elves elsewhere in Minrath tend to have pale skin, brown to blonde hair, and generally look like Moon Elves. All High Elves are marked by having ears longer than other elves, striking usually-colored eyes, and thin fine features.   High elves tend to live in large elven towns or cities that do not have much contact with the outside world except for trade. They prefer to live their days perfecting their arts and studying the ways of magic. High Elves tend to look down on their wandering Moon Elf and feral Wood Elf cousins. High elves despise dark elves for a variety of reasons but they are fairly neutral towards sea elves.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

High elf names are a poem. With each century of life, they add on to their name so it grows with their accomplishments and personality. This can lead to very long names that other lesser races find ridiculous.
High Elf Woman from Lodoss
900 years
Fujianbei High Elf Ranger

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