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One of the more primal races they exist mostly on the outer rim. However, a few tribes have managed to travel more inwards and are more technologically advanced compared to their outer rim cousins. Seen as feral by most of the world, there many explorers of the outer rim that tell tales of the carnivorous backward lizard people that reside there, constantly at war with the more "civilized" races of the outer rim.   The most prolonged contact that the rest of the world has had is with those on the Hot Rock Islands. Even so, it is extremely rare to see any lizardfolk off their tribe's island, meaning most do not know what they look like. Lizardfolk could easily be confused as Dragonborns or giant Kobolds.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Mostly carnivorous but more civilized tribes will add other foods for texture and flavor.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Outer Rim of Minrath
Lizardfolk Warrior with Traditional Weapon and Shield
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Lizardfolk have mostly green scales however some can be found with white, yellow, blue, or red scales.   Camouflage markings are common to find on them but those that lead the tribe can be found with special markings from birth. These markings are said to be the will of the tribal gods or spirits to those best suited for leadership. Very rarely these markings grow on a Lizardfolk after they prove themselves.

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