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The Faith of Brizo

  • Primary: Compass (see primary page)
  • Secondary: Sea bird
  • Secondary: Spyglass
  • Secondary: Swallows
  • Tertiary: Tattoos
  Worship Brizo is the god of navigation, sea-faring, sailors, and explorers. There are two primary ways that Brizo is worshiped. Sailors worship him for the safety of their ships, to make their way back home after a long trip, and to keep the winds and tides they rely on working correctly. Explorers worship him in the hopes of finding adventure, explore unknown lands, and trending new paths. Priests and Priestesses of Brizo balance both of these ways of worshiping their god with many being explorers in their youths but finding a mooring of a church later in life.   Lay worshipers: Those that are not clerics or paladins of Brizo can show their worship in a few ways.
  1. Donations to his church before setting sail - just a few coppers will do
  2. Setting free a sea bird before a long journey
  3. Having a Kobold on board hidden in the hold only coming above deck in times of trouble or when reaching the final destination
  4. Tattoos of protection and marks of their travels
Devout Worshipers: Clerics, paladins, and the highly devout have deeper methods of worship can they perform.
  1. Keeping a travel journal/record of their or others' journeys especially to far off places
  2. Taking up a navigator's position on a ship and/or learning cartography
  3. Studying the stars, tidal changes, and other things necessary for safe travel to pass on to ships
  • The 16th of Brise is Brizo's holy day also known as Seafarer's day - this is a celebration of the explorers and sailors across Minrath. As sailors provide much of the food and trade for the world this is a very important holy day for celebrating and honoring them along with Brizo.
  • Sea birds and swallows are fed and set free en masse during this holiday.
  • It is traditional to give gifts of compasses and spy glasses during this time.
  • Many would-be adventures set off during this day as a way to bring them luck on their adventures.
  • During this holy day most tattoo parlors will give discounts to sailors and those in adventuring guilds.
  • Many ships are christened during this day.
  Duties of Clerics     Tenets of Faith
  1. Follow the way if you wish for safety
  2. Stray from the way if you wish for adventure
  3. The world holds more than you can know but it does not mean you should not learn all you can

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