Human Element System

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According to ancient Human teachings, these four elements are the building blocks of the material world.


The four elements form two important axes that are used to represent almost any material.   The permanence axis represents the spectrum from soft to hard. Water is seen as the softest material, able to fit into containers of any shape and yet refusing to stay deformed outside them. Rock is considered the other extreme since it requires tools made of its own kind but keeps the shape a sculptor assigns to it.   The temperament axis represents the spectrum from cold to hot. Plant marks one end, based on the trees that provide shade in the summer and the leaves swaying in the cooling wind. Lava, in contrast, is known for violently bursting through the ground and scorching everything in its path.


It is assumed that most Humans have an innate connection to one of those elements. They can sense or shape related materials better than other people, which often influences their career choice.     The elements are also said to influence their emotions and behavioral tendencies.
  • Water-attuned people are said to be openminded and flexible but also moody or nervous.
  • Plant-attuned people are said to be calm and agreeable but also withdrawn or cowardly.
  • Rock-attuned people are said to be confident and persistent but also stubborn or apathetic.
  • Lava-attuned people are said to be aggressive and impulsive but also jovial and courageous.
  •   Some Humans are able to wield powerful magic related to those elements, but the probability for such a strong attunement varies between regions. Some cultures view these magicians with high respect, others with suspicion and fear.
    Magic Classification System
    Related Species
    Related Ethnicities
    Western Forest Humans
    Central Forest Humans
    Eastern Forest Humans
    Outer Cost Humans
    Southern Humans
    Faraway Humans

    Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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