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Openings in the fabric of the universe that allow for fast traveling between places on Miragia, or for visiting other planets.


Portals appear as holes in the surrounding world, showing a kind of tunnel that is only visible from the side facing its entrance.   Their rim is usally charged with some form of energy. Some resemble the distorted air over a heated surface while others crackle with electricity or emit bright light. One wide-spread assumption is that the amount of energy depends on the distance that one can travel with that particular portal, but so far no reliable connection could be found between those two aspects.


They often appear where opposing Elemental currents meet, and along giant rings around such places. Extreme weather or natural disasters can increase the likelihood that they form.   There are also certain creatures who are believed to have the power of creating them. The Stranger, for instance, is known for appearing out of nowhere all over Miragia and disappearing in a similar manner. Some scholars therefore speculate that he travels this way, but others reject the theory due to a lack of confirmed portal sightings near him. In general, creatures that are wildly different from local fauna are likely to be associated with such powers, as a result of people trying to explain their presence.  

Cultural Importance

The portal tunnels can form complex networks, and several advanced cultures have put effort into cartographing them. However, not all connections are reliable enough to play a role in society.

Stable Portals

Portals that stay open constantly are often closely guarded by people in power. Depending on where they lead, they are a major strategic advantage or, conversely, a security risk. Some serve for maintaining important trade relations whereas others allow enemy armies or dangerous creatures to invade new territories.

Periodic Portals

Some portals open at fixed intervals. They are guarded in a similar way as stable ones but are less important for everyday life. Careful planning is often necessary for making the best use of them. Missing the time window for return can leave people stranded on the other side for hours, days or even years.

Conditional Portals

Some portals are tied to environmental conditions rather than time. For example, they might open during thunderstorms in summer, during groundquakes, or when the air resonates with a certain tone. Depending on the Elemental magic or technology available to the local population, they can be controlled by providing or suppressing the conditions in question.

Random Portals

The least popular mode of travel are those portals that do not follow a recognisable pattern. They open and collapse at unpredictable times, and exploring where they lead carries a high risk of trapping people in an unfamiliar location with no way back. These are blamed for tragic and unexplained disappearances, or for dangers appearing without warning. Those who enter them intentionally are usually desperate and have nothing to lose.

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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