'The Villainous Cause' #2 -- Deignghaul and Fortune's Insult Prose in Miranse | World Anvil
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'The Villainous Cause' #2 -- Deignghaul and Fortune's Insult

Fortune disavows as it favours

Leaving the Blue lens portal was not as easily done as it had once been for Deignghaul. His harsh manner had not been well received by the Colour. Deignghaul's brow was creased in dark mood and active thought. He had always had a lot to consider but this... New events were piling up and he needed to sift through them. Some would be things he might use to advantage. Others would only be of use to those he wanted hampered. If he had always walked the sword's edge, then the sword was now suspended above a water-churning chasm filled with gnashing teeth. He would be equal to the effort required. It had not yet become a burden he could not handle. His fire was undimmed. He had seen out the old Realm and its rulers. Survived the deluge by escaping into the new Realm long before the flood waters had begun to trickle. Stolen the faith of the new Realm's naive rulers. Taken of their power what he could use and laughed at their confusion and their outrage. Founded a new foundation on the Greyplane named after himself, that he naturally ruled called the Deignghaul Confederacy.     Just as importantly, he had founded a place of power on the Mainstay Worlds' plane as well. That allowed him to maintain a direct connection to the mortal races of the Realm. No other immortal had had the presence of mind, nor the ability to manage such a feat. Deignghaul had developed his mind for this multi-planar action. He had seen the wisdom of being able to be wherever he must. Others had learned too late of his cleverness to manage the same. He could be an eel of power-mongering. His dexterity through the infinite had begun to be called legendary. He had many names but all reflected his unerring luck in survival. In the new Realm, he was whispered about by those who knew better and discussed by those who did not.     With his plans well started he had gained a great deal. His rivals of every strata were behind him. His was the confidence of one who knew his own potential was reached. Only on the mortal plane were there things he could not fathom. He was Profane. He knew the deeps very well. He was sure that these minor disturbances to his design would be disposed of quite soon. There must only be a thing or two that he had not seen in all his work. Mortals' could be elusively difficult lives to manage. Deignghaul had become adept at it however. He was only slightly concerned.     His reach was total or at least close to it. He knew of the return of the Tentalis into the new realm. It did not call itself that anymore but it was the name he had first known it as... That was at the outset. At the beginning of the old Realm... From it had come many varied things and Deignghaul had witnessed them all. He had had no choice. He was then a slave as was his brother, to the Tentalis. It called them its servants but Deignghaul had never felt anything but coerced into the service he gave. His brother Arlidrume, was another matter. Arlidrume felt the need to do whatever Tentalis demanded. Deignghaul counseled against this in private moments with his brother. He should have been more careful. Tentalis knew everything the brothers did or said. Deignghaul was swallowed by Tentalis and knew nothing for some time. Arlidrume fared better as he had not answered. Tentalis could not understand the thoughts of Arlidrume as he was odd. Tentalis could not penetrate a mind that was structured, as Tentalis was anarchic power and not given to structure.     When he had been returned to existence, Deignghaul was intact. He felt no different yet the Realm had grown and he was upon the mortal plane and unknown to the beings there. This surprised him. He also found joy and love and all manner of mortal whims and emotions available to him. Not the least of these was freewill. He was unfettered. Freed to do whatever he chose. Sometimes the consequences were dire. It did not matter to Deignghaul. He was born lucky. Others suffered for his errors in judgement. In time others would suffer for his successes. Deignghaul would see this and be unmoved. His was a mind set on creation and the ambition to see his creations made whole.     His greatest creation was faith.     He delighted in its implementation into the hearts of mortals. He knew it would not easily be removed. Havoc of all kinds would be its result despite its benign formulation. What he could not foresee was that like many things, faith could mock him. No more so than in the fact that none would ever have faith in him. Immortals of every stripe would see faith accorded them, even those that didn't want it or ask for it. Deignghaul never received the faith of a solitary being. It was as though in making it, he was invisible to it. Perhaps, in knowing how faith could be created, he could not inspire it in others. Secrets are not secrets to those that know...     He sought followers. Testing these for their belief in him. It did not matter. They all followed for gain, for honours, for wealth, for power. None followed due to belief in Deignghaul. He tried countless times on countless worlds. Many paid for his attempts with their pain. He fought against the reality that he would not inspire any mortal being to follow him for no reason other than belief. After many ages had passed he gave up on ever finding this in others. He became more ruthless than he been before. His stark appraisals of situations took on an even harsher focus. His existence became one of spiritless control. Everywhere, Deignghaul's influence could be felt and not recognised. This would be his way for all Realms to come. It was in this fashion that he realised that while he was favoured with great fortune, he would always be destined to be unappreciated in the way he wished.


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