8th Legion, Casa Nicia

The 8th Legion, Casa Nicia, is one of the newest legions trained by the Empire of Dercia after the empire had a series of years with a hold on the training of new recruits as many of the soldiers tended to stay in the army and by the time of the hold, the army was getting larger than necessary.  

Notable characters

Althea Karina Murena

Altheia grew up as the youngest daughter of a senatorial family. Being the youngest in a large group of kids, she received the best education money could buy, and when she reached the right age, she signed up for the legions. After four months of training, she was sent to the 3rd Legion, where she was raised through the ranks due to her father's connections. While she had the skills to do well in the new ranks, she wasn't happy to receive the new ranks without having proven her skills properly.   Althea would, after a record time, be granted the title Legatus Legionis and be transferred to the newly established 8th legion with the orders to pack the legions equipment and help the soldiers close family if they had any and then make their way towards a city to the south called Nicia which were to become their new base.  

Romanus Orca

Romanus Orca is a veteran of the Dercian army, having served in the legions for more than 20 years. Romanus was promoted some years ago to the Primus Pilus, being promoted to the commanding officer of the first cohort in the legion. His family has a long tradition of military service, with his twin sister serving in the navy, commanding an Aquillia class warship. He and his sister are currently the members of his family that have reached the highest niveau in ranks.   Later he was transferred to the 8th Legion to give the legion some experienced commanders. While he believes Althea to be very green and maybe too green to be in command of an entire legion, he thinks she has the potential to become a very good Legtus Legionis.  


The banner of the legion is a set of feathered wings and is used to show the speed that the legion can achieve.  


As a newly established legion, the 8th have not had the opportunity to gain success on the battlefield or other assignments. Members of the legion would boast to the people of Niciathat their legion made the march from the city of Tarvisium, where the legion where formed and where it trained to Nicia in less than 11 weeks with civilians in tow.  


Currently, there have been no failures occurring related to the legion.

Their defining moment

Members of the legion were reported to have excelled during their training and currently have some of the best times and records in the training camp.


Legatus Legionis:

The overall Legionary commander of the legion.  

Tribunus Laticlavius:

Generally young and with little experience, the person would typically be second in command.  

Praefectus Castrorum:

When the legion made camp, this one would be in command of the overall base and the third in command of the legion.  

Tribuni Angusticlavii:

There would be 10 with this rank in the 8th legion, typically career officers taking care of the administrative tasks when not engaged with the enemy.  

Primus Pilus:

The commanding officer of the first cohort and senior Centurion of the entire legion, service in this rank would allow entry into the lower noble class.

Superior through speed

Founding Date
Military, Army
Alternative Names
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by ChrisO


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