Aeloria Bay

The Aeloria Bay is located in the southern part of the Empire of Dercia, the bay is named after a local enclave of elves who have their main settlement located on the main peninsular in the bay. The enclave is said to have taken the name from a water nymph that was believed to protect sailors and fishermen, to this day, sailors and fishermen offer small tokens of thanks to Aeloria before continuing their journey.   The bay has over the years saved multiple ships when these were speaking protection from the storms that tend to appear in the region around the time the rain season gives way for the dry season. The bay itself is one of the larger ones and the deep waters of the bay can house a large amount of wildlife, the local enclave of elves has a good number of small fishing boats that help provide the elves with lots of fish that they then turn in to some rather famous dishes.   During the several wars that have raged the region of Dercia, the Aeloria Bay has served as a base both for land forces as well as naval ones, but even though the place was placed for large armed forces, the bay never saw combat as the local elves enforced a strictly neutral stance towards either side in the conflicts, the armed forces that were staying in the region were only allowed to stay there until they had rested up or for ships, done the nectary repairs that were needed to continue to other harbours.   Like several bays in this region of the Dercian Empire, the water is deep, ensuring that all ships no matter the size of them can seek shelter in the bay should they need it.   Aeloria Bay enjoys a subtropical climate, characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. This climate makes it possible for the bay to support a variety of flora and fauna both in and around the bay. Olive groves, vineyards, and citrus orchards are common sights on the surrounding hillsides.   When the mating season starts, several Hybura flocks will appear in the bay, occupying some of the beaches around the bay.


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Jul 9, 2024 19:51 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Aw, it sounds beautiful. I'd love to sit in a boat and look at all the fish. :D

Jul 9, 2024 21:49

it surely does, thank you :)

Aug 5, 2024 00:10 by Lady Wynter

I like that this a place that is both safe from natural dangers as well as from "man" made ones such as war. The image that took me by surprise was elves as fishermen. It's not something you usually see. Thank you for giving me something new.

Bringing the Light
Aug 5, 2024 09:18

I like to give them a little unique twist Thanks for reading :)