
Amberglass is a translucent material that combines the best properties of glass and resin, resulting in a durable, aesthetically pleasing, and decay-resistant material.   The Origins of Amberglass are shrouded in mystery but many scholars agree that it first appeared somewhere around the western regions of Principality of Clifia and then spread out with the trade routes appearing in the Dercian region sometime around 400 B.I.C when Amberglass began to appear in buildings in some of the more wealthy city-states, the first use of Amberglass in Pearlhal were in 255 B.I.C when it were installed in some of the official buildings in the yet unimportant coastal city-state.   Amberglass allows light to pass through it, casting a warm, golden hue in its surroundings, making it a popular feature in temples, and noble houses. Unlike regular glass, amberglass is incredibly strong and resistant to shattering. It can withstand significant impacts without breaking, meaning that a large number of old buildings that had amberglass installed still have their originals compared to those buildings that went for the more common glass.  There are one building in the southern Principality of Clifia that have an arrowhead stuck in one of their large amberglass windows.   Before people found out how to make large enough pieces of amberglass for windows and similar, the artists used it to make sculptures of and these are some of the best preserved pieces of art that archeologies are digging up when they are doing digs. Likewise, then adventuring parties are coming back from having explored a buried city, if they find amberglass they are likely to get a large payout from it as sculptures fetch a high price among collectors.


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Jul 23, 2024 18:53 by Aster Blackwell

I love it! I like that it can both be sculpted and used as windows. I would like to learn more about its origins!

Jul 23, 2024 18:54

Thank you :) I will have to explore its history more in the future

Jul 23, 2024 22:50 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the idea of having amberglass windows and just standing in the warm light. <3

Jul 23, 2024 22:58

It does sound very inviting :)