Anarch's Dance

Anarch's Dance is the name given to an event that occurs yearly at the Emperor and Dog Tavern.   The tavern has been hosting this event for decades and decades young members of the Crienia people have been going to the tavern to partake in the event. In contrast, it is mainly people from Pearlhal that come to the tavern, there is always a small group that travels in from the surrounding villages that can be found near the capital.   Anarch's Dance have almost since it started, been criticized by the older generations that its only purpose is to morally decay the younger generations and a number of them have even petitioned the Emperor to shut down the tavern, but every time, the complaints get investigated and no noteworthy things are found and the complains gets declined.   Many of the older generations have complained that the week where Anarch's Dance takes place, is destroying the young and that it's a place for loose morals and that instead, the young ones should do things that can help the society and prepare them for the future.   Generally the owners of the tavern have often responded with that the older generations forget that there are a huge difference between the yought today and back then, today, the young crienia have the option to relax and enjoy the life and that a lot of them are making most of that, and that a lot of the people that complain about Anarch's Dance, are those generations that grew up either experiencing war during The Decade of 5 Emperors or the difficult times in the years following the civil war.


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Jul 29, 2024 23:26 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Those darn youth! Doing things like *checks notes* dancing!

Jul 30, 2024 00:09

How dare they enjoy themself?? :D