Ancestral Grimoire

It's said that the Grimoire contains spells and other dark rituals that can be dated back to the Ancient Empire . Still, no one can be sure since the book appears to only exist in rumours going around the academies of theEmpire of Dercia but like some ancient poet once said, there is no smoke without a fire. With that, many scholars believe that the book exists but that it's lying in some ancient library located in some lost and forgotten city of the ancient mages. it's a favoured mission for adventuring parties who have reached a certain level of experience, but despite countless parties having spent centuries searching in many of the locations where it was known that a library belonging to the Ancient Empires mages.    The more accepted theory is that the book exists and its location is known but that the owner either knows the value of the book and has it hidden away in some secure location as a means to prevent the dark magic from becoming widespread, but as many say there is also the more the more humourous theory that the book is used by some to prop up a uneven table.   It's said that the book was written in the last few decades of the existence of the Ancient Empire and that it was part of a series of books written either to save the mages' knowledge of magic so that they could rebuild in the future once the chaos surrounds the period, but some scholars also believe that the series of book were written with a larger purpose in mind, like spreading the knowledge of the dark arts in an attempt to create more mages capable of fighting against the end times of their Empire.


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Jul 21, 2024 18:45 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'there is also the more the more humourous theory that the book is used by some to prop up a uneven table'   This is my belief and I'm sticking with it.

Jul 21, 2024 18:55

mine as well :) Thank you :)