Bracelet of protection

The Bracelet of protection is a piece of jewellery made from a piece of copper that is spun into a thread and then made to fit the arm of the wearer, it's typically worn above the wrist but the place differs depending on the local traditions.   Once a new bracelet have been made, a blacksmith will create the bracelet and afterwards the family will take it to the temple of their choice and pray that the deity will bestow a small protection on the bracelet.   traditionally, the bracelet is given to the child when they reach the age of 6 but like the placement of the bracelet, this also differs depending on the local traditions in general a child can expect to receive such a bracelet between the age of 6 and 10, the age 10 category is most common found within the Crienia that live in the cities. and around the age of 18-21 is also the time when the protection of the bracelet starts to have less effect and some decide to take the bracelet off and put it away until they have children while others keep theirs on.   the copper thread is engraved with protective runes and it is believed that the runes repel misfortune and help protect the wearer from harm.   The Crienia have been using them since the elven and human tribe merged and based on ancient relics and paintings, it is believed that the bracelet has remained relatively untouched regarding its role and design since then.   The cultural significance of the bracelet among the Crienia and the Dercian culture as a whole is huge, It is one of those items that transcends all ranks of society and it is possible to find people with these bracelets in the lowest parts of society and up to the Imperial family with Princess Eza proudly wearing hers.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Creation Date
Common as most Crienia families have several.
20-60 grams
Base Price
Between 5-25 Mark equal to betwen a few days wages to a weeks.

Cover image: by Luis nunes alberto


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Jul 12, 2024 12:32 by Dimitris Havlidis

It looks really fancy, Can I have 2 please :)

World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
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“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop


Jul 12, 2024 12:33 by Dimitris Havlidis

Joke aside, this is a really good tradition - If everyone has them I wonder if there are things that people would do to them to make them unique to them

World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
Twitter | World Anvil Changelog
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop


Jul 12, 2024 13:23

It's possible to modify them so some coloured thread can be weaved in between the copper, or to hang items from the bracelet :)   And of course you can have two ;)

Jul 13, 2024 01:19 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love this tradition, especially the fact that it is mostly children that wear them. My favourite part is that some adults choose to keep them on. I'd probably be one of those. :D

Jul 13, 2024 10:03

Thanks you :)