
The Caelorian elves, once lived in the lush and mystical forests of Caelorian until they were forced to flee from the land they had called their home for generations due to the trees of the forest dying and the general landscape turning barren.   The Caelorian elves are slightly taller than the average human, reaching an average height of around 180cm and their build is slightly more slender than that of humans.   When the Caelorians left their homeland, they took their belief with them, their belief system consisted of a small pantheon of tree deities that are believed to inhabited the trees of the Caelorian forest. The major Festivals related to their pantheon align with the seasons and whenever one of the ancient trees of the forest dies, a festival will be held around the tree celebrating the long life of the tree, afterwards the tree will be blessed by the shamans of the Caelorians and when the blessing is done the tree will be cut into building materials and used in the maintenance of the village.   The elders tell the event that forced them to relocate to another region of the people to have started in the east, in the direction of the sea, and according to their stories, they believe it was a punishment from their gods as the people, in general, lived peacefully with their neighbours.   The exodus of the Caelorian elves took them northeast to a region of the continent where nobody had settled before and the maps of the area were very sparse, with most of them only showing a detailed map of the area near the rivers.
Males: 173-183 cm
Females: 163 to 173 cm
Slender and agile, reflecting their active way of life
Ranging from dark green to pale green
Ranging from green to brown.
Blue, green, gray, violet

Cover image: by Christine Johnstone


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Jul 7, 2024 12:24 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Awww, it's such a shame they had to leave because of the forest dying. :( I like the sound of them, as people.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 7, 2024 12:42

Thank you :)