Dea Regia

In cities across the Empire of Dercia there are rumours that groupings within the Starlighters Pantheon, the main religious pantheon of the Empire, these groups are believed to work towards the deification of the crown princess Ira.   It is currently unknown to anyone outside these groupings why they are doing this as there are no precedents for this type of worship where what is a basic Half-elf Crienia being is being uplifted to the status of deity within the Pantheon.   Theories range from that these groupings believe Princess Ira is destined to be the next addition to the Pantheon, other theories are simply that these groupings have misinterpreted the Blessing of Mara that Ira have as a divine sign of a future deity.   The rumours have reached the ears of the Royal Palace of Dercia but so far they have been ignored by all and dismissed as just ramblings of religious peasants who are trying to make a name for themself. With that said, the Palace has sent out agents to try and learn more about these groups and if they are harmless or have connections to more sinister forces, divine or eartly.   And while the Palace knows of these groupings to some extent, the existence of them is by large til unknown to Ira herself, as her current location of Nicia is in a relatively isolated location and rumours arrive slowly to the city.
Religious, Cult


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Jul 17, 2024 11:53 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Oooo, there's lots of potential for different outcomes here. Intriguing.

Jul 17, 2024 18:15

Can go all ways , thank you:)

Sep 4, 2024 03:47 by Bart Weergang

This is interesting stuff! looking forward to where this goes in the Tales.