Elurra's Quest

The stories surrounding Elurra's Quest are a favourite of the people living in and around Pearlhal, the capital city of Empire of Dercia    the myth itself centres on Elurra, a spirit of purity and balance and her journey to bring balance to the two main seasons on the continent of Mirateia, and long ago aeons back when the world was still new and the gods inexperienced, the balance between the seasons had shifted so that fields lay barren and the people faced starvation, Elurra who had the gifts of purity and balance were given the task by the goddess Mara to bring the world back in balance. During her journey she travelled through dried-out forests, riverbeds that had run dry and what had before been green fields of grass were now slowly turning into deserts.   During her journey, she had plenty of encounters, both friend and foe, one of her strongest foes was a spirit that thrived in the developing desert, Elurra managed to outsmart the spirit and gained a clue as to where she might be able to restore the balance of the seasons. Following the clue she was led to a cave under the sea, where she found something that she later learned from Mara, called the "Hearth of the Seasons". Elurra were able to purity and restore the Hearth and slowly but steadily the seasons returned to their intended balance.   Following her journey, Elurra turned into legend and her journey became a tale about the balance between civilisation and nature, Each year, a festival is held in her honour during the onset of the rainy season, where the tale is reenacted, and offerings are made to ensure the rains continue to return, nurturing the land and its people.     What some scholars have found interesting is that this is the earliest mention of the goddess Mara, scholars are interested in this as unlike the other deities of the Starlighters Pantheon Maras origin is still shrouded in mystery and Mara herself only says that the time before she first appeared for the people are foggy even for her.


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Jul 19, 2024 13:16 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love this myth. I can just imagine it written down in a picture book. :D

Jul 19, 2024 13:23

I would love to see it as a picture book :)