Ephydrian Blight

Ephydrian Blight is a contagious disease that targets the respiratory system but is known to spread and cause systemic damage throughout the body.   The disease is named after the region where it was first described, Ephydria, during the migration period, the disease spread to the settlements and it found fertile ground for spreading, and has now evolved to spread rapidly in densely populated settlements such as Pearlhal Emitlestar and similar, during the dry season it spreads fast and scholars suspect that it flies along with the dust in the air.   While there are no records of the symptoms of the disease, scholars suspect that it was a version of the Ephydrian Blight that in 758 I.C ravaged the capitol of the Empire of Dercia and killed countless of the inhabitants who were not able to escape to the countryside during the outbreak.

Transmission & Vectors

The disease is spread through airborne droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It can also be contracted through direct contact with contaminated surfaces or bodily fluids.


Early Stages:
Rest and hydration
Herbal remedies such as leaf tea (believed to alleviate symptoms)
Basic hygiene practices to prevent the spread
  Advanced Stages:
Isolation of the infected
Administration of powerful herbal concoctions and potions (if available)
Magical healing by skilled practitioners, though this is often reserved for the wealthy or those of high status

Cultural Reception

Folklore: Tales of spirits or demons causing the blight, often used to explain its rapid spread and severity.
Literature: Stories of heroic healers who braved the blight to save entire villages.
Art: Depictions of the suffering caused by the blight, are often used to evoke sympathy and charitable actions.
Chronic, Acquired


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Aug 7, 2024 12:41 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Ugh, sounds awful. What's the prognosis if you don't get magical healing? Death?

Aug 7, 2024 12:59

Yes and no, those who dont have access to magical healing (most of the population) have a survival rate of 20-40% depending on race and age.