Feathered Dragon

Feathered Dragons are some of the most dangerous dragons found in Mirateia, the legends tell about dragons say that those covered in feathers are the most dangerous as they not only are some of the most brutal ones when it comes to attacks but also that they attack settlements without any warning or obvious reason.  
Well I have heard plenty of stories about them, but no one have ever seen one, alive or dead.
- Marius, a local adventurer.
Like all the other dragons that are once said to have roamed the skies over Mirateia, being those regal and impressive creatures that they are, no one has ever seen a living dragon since during the fall of the Ancient Empire were the legends say that some dragons fought alongside the elves, men and dwarves. but one day, they all seemed to vanish from the face of the earth. From time to time, skeletons or dead bodies of some dragons, like the one that caused the Local plage but no one has ever seen anything related to the Feathered dragons, although there are some stories that the beast responsible for the Dragon´s Harvest is a Feathered dragon as the one responsible, what makes it hard to conclude is that no one survived the attacks on the village but the point of the damage towards a dragon.   Somewhere in the debts of the Imperial Universitys library there are believed to be a book that contains knowledge gathered about Feathered dragons from before the disappearance of the dragons but despite many looking for it, there are so many books and other artefacts that the books are still missing after several hundred of years.   Due to their scary reputation, the Feathered dragon has become a favoured creature for mothers to use when they have to scare their kids from doing something or making sure they come home early before dark.  
Come back home before dark sweethearth, we dont want the Feathered one to come and take you.
- mother to her teenage son.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Feathered dragons are lone creatures, as they are very territorial, but it does happen that some cooperate, this would typically be siblings.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They prefer varied habitats, from lush forests to lofty mountain ranges. Some dwell near water bodies, while others inhabit cliffside nests, using their powerful wings to soar over vast territories in search of food or territory.
1200 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
Average Physique
Feathered dragons have sleek, elongated bodies, aerodynamic and built for graceful flight. Their wings are expansive, and adorned with grand, feathers allowing them to soar effortlessly through the skies. The feathered tail extends long and agile, aiding in steering and balancing during flight. their expressive eyes, can often be found with a range of colours, that radiate intelligence and curiosity.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Feathered dragons are typically nocturnal which is represented in their colour scheme, the most common colours are red feather tips that gradually turn into something resembling purple, the main body of the dragon is typically a grey colour with a slightly darker underbelly.

Cover image: by Caeora


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Dec 14, 2023 20:45 by Annie Stein

Can i pet it?

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Dec 14, 2023 20:53

I.. uh... hmm.. sure :D

Dec 14, 2023 20:46 by Absinthe

Do their feather make good dusters?

Dec 14, 2023 20:54

If you could find a feather from one, it would be decent I guess xD

Dec 14, 2023 20:47 by Mochi


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Dec 14, 2023 20:55

While I would not recommend it, who am I to say no to the mighty Mochi

Dec 15, 2023 11:10 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I'm sad that they seem to have all disappeared, een though they were quite aggressive. They're cute.

Emy x
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