
The village of Florentia is a small village located in the southwestern part of the Principality of Clifia, its located in a fairly isolated region known for its many valleys making it hard to navigate, the river Fons runs through the village providing the people with fresh water as well as fishing opportunities that helps support the people who otherwise provide for themself with the help of small scale farming such as olives, grapes and various other fruits and vegetables, the village hunters provide the main meat supply.   The architecture of the village is rural with the houses built with stones found in the valleys and from the fields, the houses sprawl out from a small central plaza that the people use to hold festivals and other social gatherings. The most notable building in the village is that of the tavern as the the people take pride in having a better looking tavern compared to the neighbouring villages. In the tavern during the dry season its possible to find at least one group of adventures doing tasks for the community such as hunting down a pack of wolves or other creatures that might trouble the community.   A notable feature of the village is that in one of the orchards of olive trees there stands a giant olive tree that is said to have been there since before the village was even founded.   The people that live in the village belong to the Favonius people and are one of the few elven people who have so far managed to avoid most of the prosecutions that have otherwise been done towards elves in the Principality. Because of this, the people of the village only have minimal contact with the wider Principality and their main contact with the outside is through a travelling merchant that each spring makes his way through the region, trading with the villages there.
Inhabitant Demonym

Cover image: by cow2face


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Jul 9, 2024 12:08 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Ooo, it sounds so beautiful. Olive orchards! <3

Jul 9, 2024 12:23

yeah, its a lovely place, Thank you :)