
One of the spices that are added to the marinade that is used in Grilled Serranian Skewers is a blend that combines a variety of dried herbs and a pinch of sea salt. There is no true version of Herbamare as every food stall or every family has their ways of making the blend, but what they all have in common is that they are all carefully crafted to enhance the taste of the meat used on the skewers, and there are different blends of Herbamare depending on the type of meat used.   One of the spices that most versions of Herbamare use is the dried version of Sea Ivy that is finely ground to best release the taste of the spice and aromas, alongside the spices used, the pinch of sea salt gives a small bit of salinity to the mixture and it is said that it amplifies the flavours of the other ingredients.   While Herbamane is best known for its use to make the Serranian Skewers it is commonly found in all other meat-based dishes and every cook in the legions will have a small box with Herbamane to enhance the cooking as army food is not known to be particularly tasty or rich in flavour.   When sold commercially, it typically comes in small barrels and some merchants who trade in dried and salted meat are even using Herbamare mixed in with the salts or in the drying process to make the meat tastier and absorb the flavour of the spice blend which then lead them to be able to sell their products at a higher price.


Vital for the taste of Grilled Serranian skewers.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Very common
Base Price
15 Silver penny to the kilo


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Dec 29, 2023 21:27 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love that every food stall has its own blend. Sounds delicious.