Kingsmere Cliff

The Kingsmere Cliff is a cliff located in the Kingdom of Radeverc and is part of the shore to the Placeholder lake, the cliff has a drop of 214 meters from top to the lake, the nearest settlements to the cliff lay roughly 5 kilometres to the east of the cliff.   Throughout history, the Kingsmere Cliff has been used as a neutral meeting place for the local rulers when there was something that needed to be settled they would gather at the cliff and depending on the thing that needed to be settled and the time it would take to settle it, a larger gathering would usually spring up near the cliff and a small market would take place where people could talk to the other villagers and arrange marriages, strike business deals and much other.   Because of its role as a meeting ground, early on in its history, it became an unwritten rule that none should bear arms within a radius of the cliff except if a neutral third party is called in to provide judgement in certain important cases, and this has meant that most of the settlements reached on the cliff have been reached without bloodshed and the rule have over the time mostly been honoured, except at the red settlement of 1263 when one of two lords that had called for a meeting at the cliff broke the rule when he and his men brought hidden daggers to the meeting and during the night killed many of the other lord's followers including the lord.   When the Kingdom of Radeverc declared its independence from the Ancient Empire It was at the Kingsmere Cliff that the first king was elected and since then it has become a tradition to announce the next heir at the throne even if the kingdom is a Hereditary monarchy its tradition to announce the next king at this place.

Fauna & Flora

TheĀ Kingsmere Cliff is home to an unknown number of wildlife ranging from small butterflies to falcons and wild horses.   On the ground, the cliff also provides a home for several flowers like the samphire flower that when in season flowers with bright red colours and is famous in the Kingdom.

Cover image: by Doug Lee


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