Loricata armour

Loricata armour is a type of armour that can generally be found in the southwestern regions of Mirateia, it consists of small, rectangular plates, these plates are generally made of iron plates but plates made of leather, bronze and other metals can be found. These plates are then laced, riveted or sewn together in a way that makes an overlapping row, this provides a flexible and effective protection.   The lacing or riveting is made using cords or strips of leather sinew, some places use metal wire that is then threaded through holes that are made in the plates, other regions use rivets and it is generally the most common way to combine the plates of the armour.   The coverage of the armour is typically the torso of the soldiers but it's possible to extend the cover so that it protects the shoulders, arms and thighs, some region's armour also protects the neck of the soldier.   Depending on the region, the armour might be given to cavalry or footsoldiers depending on which of these are the main part of the army. The mercenaries that are typically hired by the Principality of Clifia are known for using this type of armour, theirs are made of metal plates that have bronze edges.   This type of armour was also used in the Empire of Dercia in its early days, in the time of the Republic and later in the second Dercian Kingdom, but during the Decade of 5 Emperors the armour was slowly faded out in favour of the Pelorata type of armour which in its basic form retains a lot of the features of Loricata but are more streamlined and of better quality.


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Jul 9, 2024 12:32 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I would like the version that protects my neck, please. :)

Jul 9, 2024 12:36

a very wise choice :D